The Armoury
Derek Cole & Son
Price list
All prices are quoted for a medium size (UK) fit in matt black finish.
Payment can be made in £ sterling, or through Paypal.
Postage is additional, as each bespoke piece weighs slightly differently.
Quotes given for any items not on the list.
Matt Black Civil War armour
Pikeman's Back, Breast & Tassets ....... £350
Pikeman's Back and Breast ................. £300
Troopers ........................................... £300
English Morion ................................... £200
Peaked Cabaset ................................. £200
Swedish Pot ....................................... £300
Lobster Pot ........................................ £300
Pikeman's Gorget ............................... £100
Officers Gorget ...........................from £150
Bridal Gauntlet ................................... £700
Blued finish ................................. £45
Buff finish ................................... £45
Aged finish ................................. £45
Leather trim ................ quote on application
Brass fittings ............... quote on application
Waist from side seam across your front.
Waist from side seams around your back.
Length from base of collar bone to belly button.
Head circumference (just above ears).